Thursday, 12 May 2016

Zealandia Trip

Thanks to all the parents who attended today's trip with us, and to all of those who also offered to help.  We had a wonderful visit to Zealandia nursery today and learnt a lot about what it takes to run a successful business.  There was so much to see and learn about and the children were amazed at the technology and process's involved in the production of these plants in preparation for sale.  To be able to see this all in action on a regular working day was an invaluable experience.  You can see some photos below but please also ask your children to tell you about what they saw and heard.
A massive thank you to Graham Windross who has taken a considerable amount of time out of his busy working week to make time to take all six classes on individual tours of his plant over this two week period.

1 comment:

  1. What great photos. We heard all about this amazing trip! Thanks to all who organised. :)
