Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Tent City at Sunnyhills

An interesting and somewhat challenging time was had by all year 6's today as they had their first go at putting up the tents in preparation for camp in week 4.  For some of us it is just as well we are only in them one night!!


  1. Camping is always fun, but the setting up is always challenging. Well done for persevering in getting your tents up! I bet you are pleased you had a trial run before going down to camp. I look forward to seeing what else you will do at survival on camp.

  2. You guys have so much fun at school!!
    Good idea to practice your team work setting up the tent :-)
    from Jack's Mum

  3. I am looking forward to going to camp with you guys, now that you are tent experts!

  4. That looks a heap of fun Room 2!! What good practice for camping!
